Home > Security Accessories
Check out our security accessories from ATW sirens and enclosures, to several varieties of transformers. We have alarms, strobes, and more!
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UPG VAF-100 Alarm Panel Filter - Gray ATW Security The Terrier Low Current Draw Siren 105dB Honeywell K10145WH L3000 LYNX Plus 9VAC 25VA Wireless Security Panel Transformer with ground
Filters one alarm panel telephone connection (RJ31X-RJ38X); compatible with all major home alarm systems
Patented design and hinge; single warble tone. Designed to mesh with its surroundings. Easy installation with locking hinge or easy to remove faceplate Panel transformer with ground; Supports all Honeywell 5800 series wireless devices including the 5828 and 5828V wireless keypads.
Platinum Tools 18112C UR Scotchlok IDC Butt Connector - Box of 50 ATW Security STL-1 Amber Strobe use with DS-301SET Dual Tone 25W Siren with Enclosure Dual Voltage Wall Transformer 12 VDC 830 MA & 9 VAC 1.7 VA
Platinum Tools 18112C UR Scotchlok IDC Butt Connector - Box of 50
Price: $13.00
Your Price: $11.20
Savings: $1.80
The UR2 solvent resistant connectors accept two or three solid copper conductors that can be of different wire gauges, for butt splicing; connectors are filled with sealant to provide moisture resistance
Dual tone siren - Steady and Warble. Stainless steel enclosure for indoor/outdoor use. Dual tamper switches front & rear.
Transformer can power Honeywell Panel and Take Over or Pan & Tilt and CCTV Cameras; One power supply does it all, Input: 120VAC/60Hz - 50W - UL/CSA.
16.5VAC 20VA Transformer Power Supply  with NO LED Chrome Wall-Dog - Zinc, Pan Head #8 Phillips ATW Security The Bloodhound Indoor Outdoor Siren Low Voltage Supply
ATW Security The Bloodhound Indoor/Outdoor Low Profile Siren
Price: $19.03
Your Price: $13.32
Savings: $5.71

Output Voltage; Rating Input - 120VAC, 60Hz, 48VA (1-2). NO LED.
The deep cutting, corkscrew-like threads provide for smooth entry and a powerful hold. When removed, the Wall-Dog leaves a much smaller hole than toggles or other systems. Single tone piezo siren - warble. Mounts into single gang box with two screws; CE approved.
ATW Security The Bulldog Indoor/Outdoor Low Profile Siren UB1640I 16.5VAC 40VA Ivory Transformer with NO LED Platinum Tools 18122C UY Scotchlok IDC Butt Connector - Box of 100
ATW Security The Bulldog Indoor/Outdoor Low Profile Siren
Price: $19.03
Your Price: $13.32
Savings: $5.71
Single tone piezo siren - warble. Mounts into single gang box with one screw; CE approved. Please See Below for Replacement

UB1640W-L6 16.5VAC 40VA Level 6 Plug-In Transformer No LED 2 Prong Fused

Their two ports accept two solid copper conductors that can be of different wire gauges.
71804 UPG Plug-in Transformer 24V 40VA Level 6 UPG Plug-in Transformers Evolving to new Level VI Energy Efficiency Standards 71701/71754, UB2440RES/UB2440W, 71804, UB2440W-L6, 24V 40VA Level 6 Transformer UB1640W-L6 16.5VAC 40VA Transformer ATW Security Doberman Indoor/Outdoor Siren & Strobe Combination -Blue
ATW Security Doberman Indoor/Outdoor Siren & Strobe Combination -Blue
Price: $25.04
Your Price: $17.53
Savings: $7.51

UPG Plug-in Transformers Evolving to new Level VI Energy Efficiency Standards
Output voltage; Rating Input - 120VAC, 60Hz, 48VA (1-2) Strobe can be independently wired from siren; single tone piezo siren - warble. Strobe flashes at the same rate as siren sounding. Mounts onto single gang box or can be surface mounted with two screws.
ATW Security SGST-W Single Gang/Single Tone Piezo Siren Low Voltage Supply ATW The Pointer Indoor/Outdoor Siren & Strobe Combination The Doberman Plus Indoor/Outdoor Siren & Strobe Combination
ATW Security SGST-W Single Gang/Single Tone Piezo Siren
Price: $22.00
Your Price: $17.75
Savings: $4.25
Single tone piezo siren - steady. Polarized for DC supervision; Mounts into a single gang box. Single tone piezo siren - warble; strobe flashes at the same rate as siren sounding. Mounts onto single gang box or can be surface mounted with two screws; CE approved. Tamper switch on back of unit, strobe can be independently wired from siren; single tone piezo siren - warble. Strobe flashes at same rate as siren sounding. Mounts onto single gang box or can be surface mounted with two screws. CE approved.
3M-UG Scotchlok IDC Butt or Tap Connector (Box of 100) Corning Telcom Splicing 3M-UB2A 3M Scotchlok IDC Tap Connector (Box of 100) ATW Security DS-301SET Dual Tone 25W Siren with Enclosure
Corning Telcom Splicing 3M-UB2A 3M Scotchlok IDC Tap Connector (Box of 100)
Price: $36.50
Your Price: $33.00
Savings: $3.50

ATW Security DS-301SET Dual Tone 25W Siren with Enclosure
Price: $54.96
Your Price: $38.47
Savings: $16.49
Product Discontinued. Please Use 3M-UB2A
By positioning the connector on the conductor and pre-crimping, the conductor is prevented from slipping out of the connector before the crimp is completed.
Dual tone siren - Steady and Warble. Stainless steel enclosure for indoor/outdoor use. Dual tamper switches front & rear.
Mullion Access Mount AC-KPM-DB  Multi-Mounts AC-KPM-A GTS Innovative LLC Aiphone, LE_DA, FLUSH MOUNT, STNLS, DOOR STATIONIS, -MV, MASTER STATION, COLOR MONITOR, LEM-1DL 1, CALL ACCESS SENTRY, SYSTEM, ​LEM-1DLS,  Intercom System, LEM-1DL, Master Station, PT-1210N, Transformer,  LE-D, Door Station, FireAvert - protect your home from stove fires.
Mullion Access Mount AC-KPM-P Multi-Mount
Price: $79.95
Your Price: $46.25
Savings: $33.70
Multi-Mounts are designed to allow single gang reader or keypad fit on door/window mullion
The LE-DA is a weather resistant, flush mount door station with a stainless steel faceplate. It flush mounts to a two-gang electric box or surface mounts using the SBX-2G. FireAvert helps protect your home from the leading cause of stove fires in the united states-unattended cooking-by automatically disconnecting power to your range or stove in the event that fire or smoke are detected.
Aiphone, LEM-1DL 1, CALL ACCESS SENTRY, SYSTEM, ​LEM-1DLS,  Intercom System, LEM-1DL, Master Station, PT-1210N, Transformer,  LE-D, Door Station, Aiphone, IS-MV, MASTER STATION, COLOR MONITOR, LEM-1DL 1, CALL ACCESS SENTRY, SYSTEM, ​LEM-1DLS,  Intercom System, LEM-1DL, Master Station, PT-1210N, Transformer,  LE-D, Door Station,
The LEM-1DL Series is an audio only communication and entry security system. The system can start as a one door, one master kit using the LEM-1DLS box set, and can be expanded to up to 4 inside master stations. The IS-MV is a video master station with a 3.5" color LCD monitor. It can be wall or desk mounted (desk stand included). The IS-MV offers handset (duplex) and hands-free (VOX/ PTT) communication and can page up to 5 zones simultaneously.